We are Reopening!
ECKA Drayton Reopening
Tuesday 15th September 2020
Following the changes in Government COVID policy will now allow classes to start in a controlled way. There are still a number of restrictions that must be followed to keep us all safe!
Covid-19 Symptoms
If a student, or anyone from their household, has experienced any Covid-19 symptoms in the last 14 days, in self-isolation or been around someone with symptoms, then you MUST stay at home and not attend the class.
Students should self-check their physical condition ahead of every class.
Contact tracing
We need to take a contact-tracing register and share this with the Coronation Hall committee. By booking into a class, you are consenting that I can share your/your child’s name and contact number, along with the dates they have trained with the Hall administrator, where it will be stored for 21 days.
Class limit
We are limited to only 18 students per session. Therefore, anyone wishing to attend a session will need to book in through the online service at: https://booking.appointy.com/draytonkickboxing
You will receive an email confirmation of successful bookings for a session.
Limited Spectators will be permitted to watch upstairs gallery only to a maximum of 2 socially distanced people.
We are limited to a maximum of 18 students, we will lock the main door to the hall, anyone who has not booked in through the webform, declared there are no Covid-19 symptoms, and consented to track and trace will not be permitted to train.
Class Training
Due to social distancing partner work and close contact pad work, sparring and competitive kickboxing of any kind are not currently permitted. Sessions will be limited to 60 minutes.
Guidance from WAKO Great Britain is continually being updated based on government guidance so we will let you know when things change.
Personal Equipment
You should arrive prompt ready to train in your GI, bring only essential items (keys, phone and drink) with you. You will need to trains using suitable footwear i.e. Trainers of kickers.
It is recommended that as soon as you arrive home after training that your kit is washed, and you wash your hands thoroughly.
Hall cleaning
The Hall committee have committed that the hall floor and all touch points will be cleaned regularly but not necessarily between every group of hirers, therefore footwear should be warn in the lesson. There are hand sanitiser dispensers at the main doors in and out of the hall which should be used before and after the class.
In order to reduce the risk from air-born particles during the session, we will have the fire exit door open to promote air-flow.
Arrival/Leaving procedure
Please wait outside the hall, until the start time of the session, upon which only the students should enter the hall when called through. and remain in the hall until the session starts. Only one student will be permitted to use the toilet facilities one at a time – during the session. Upon the end of the session, everyone will leave with 2m distancing as directed by your instructor, parents/guardians should wait outside.